Nine Tripods

Sale price$59.90 USD
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Material: G10-jade green

Liaoliao EDC, Nine Tripods, Fidget Slider

About the Nine Tripods

  • The Nine Tripods is designed by Liaoliao EDC. This one full of Chinese Style.Adopting the traditional Taotie pattern brass hollowed inlay, many times of drawing modification and proofing, and finally realize the perfect fit between the main body and the hollowed plate.
  • The main body is made of imported g10 glass fiber, several artificial polishing and grinding process, as far as possible to achieve the visual effect like jade.
  • After the proofing of the main body fittings was completed, more than a dozen combinations of springs and beads were tried to achieve the best feel and sound. This is a good feeling and value of the slider.

Nine Tripods

  • Liaoliao EDC

46 x 26 x 13mm


G10: 25.6g